Built as well as our houses and combining aspirational design with quality, our Boxes provide stand-alone contemporary structures offering bespoke lifestyle solutions & extra space which can also be integrated / linked to your existing living space or set away for added privacy.
The main structure uses BBA certified Hemsec SIPS (structurally insulated panel system) – first used in the 1930’s in the USA to keep the heat out they are fast becoming a popular construction method due to speed of erection on site, strength of build and the added benefits of outstanding airtightness and energy efficiency. They offer an ideal material to create your extra outdoor space, which will outperform and outlive many of the alternatives you may have considered.
The outer shell is highly insulated, has excellent structural strength and good acoustic performance. Combined with the high performance range of doors and windows the Boxes can achieve building regulation standards creating a secure, warm, light, open plan, inspirational living space.
Your Space. Your Choice.